So far all the stories have been rather random, there hasn't really been a strong link, possibly because i was using photos picked at random. I asked people simply to interpret the photos as they wished, to either write a story or whatever feeling or thoughts come to mind when they are shown the photos. I found the majority of my responses were made up stories, some rather elaborate ones...I feel by using random photos, there is no restraints or constrictions, the people i asked weren't encouraged to think a certain thing when analyzing the photos and therefore became quite inventive themselves.
I thought I could now incorporate the idea of a food chain and the pigeon to be seen as a predator. Some of the stories hinted towards this theme and although the image is of a computer mouse, the object itself, and the context (placed next to a pigeon) conjures images of the animal.
Stewart Agnew
The top 1st pic, makes me feel quite trapped, almost lost, I think this is cos I have a fear of being locked in a tube station or something, but the picture makes me feel alone and uncomfortable. The second pic makes me think of technology, and connected to the first pic, how we would be lost without the dependency on technology, like going without electricity for a day, its amazing how we suddenly can't cope. We would have to return to old ways, like catching birds! Pretty much live like pigeons depending on only our selves to survive, having to make nets and stuff to catch animals.
Daniel McCance
A person was online and noticed that there was some sort of event on which he needed to travel to in order to catch a pigeon. It was a pigeon catching competition which you had to apply for online.
I then showed the pictures so some of my friends on facebook to try and get some more feedback. By opening the chat i think people began to feed on each others ideas and a theme of constriction seemed to become established...
Khlaid Alsayed February 16 at 5:31pm Reply
Controlled freedom?
Like the bird, the mouse and train are free to be moved around, but confined and limited by their own net - the mouse to its monitor and train to its rails.
You are free to be free within the limitations provided by the state!
Alexander Cooper February 16 at 6:52pm Reply
Yeah i think a theme that ties them all together is restriction, but pigeons are still free to fly around, although they're still dependent on humanity for food
Khlaid Alsayed February 16 at 6:57pm Reply
pigeons aren't free. Council put spikes on lampposts to stop them sitting on them, feeding them is restricted or permitted in specified locations. Pigeons are used to carry messages or to race for money.
Pigeons are very controlled.
Hannah Spearing February 16 at 11:44pm Reply
i think they all say alot about impact, maybe spacial impact or impact on the public as a whole. the long dizzying daunting escalater seems huge now but with hundreds of people crammed on it it looks strangely smaller. the impact of technology is huge but it comes from very small pieces of wires and what not. one pigeon versus those masses of pigeons you see in town. but actually i've not got much to say about the net. ach well, first impression doll, these guys seem to know what they're talking about alot more. but just a wee thought on that net, it looks like an old tennis racket frame. x
Chris Donald February 17 at 10:26am Reply
first photo i would say reminds me of like a stairway to someones destiny or something, like their goal is to get to the top, the mouse reminds me of how we can take for granted technology, the pigeon just makes me remember always nearly getting shat on every time I walk past caird square haha, and then net could represent a form of entrapment or being lead into a false sense of security
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