Today we met with our groups to discuss the results of the personality test we were asked to take by Hamid.
The test entailed a number of questions and scenarios and measured our responce in order to catogorise us into one of the following groups: "Activists", "Reflectors", " Theorists" and "Pragmatists".
My result concluded that I was more pragmatist.
They want to see if ideas, theories and techniques work in practice. They seek out new ideas and take the opertunity to try them in practice as soon as possible. They like to get on with things and act quickly and confidently. They take ideas away from courses, events discussions and at the earliest oppertunity experiment with them in practice. They want to get on with things, are are impatient with winded discussions."
This seemed to me to be an accurate discriptions of my approach to work, particulary within my studio projects at Uni. I tend to become impatient with the research and theoretical side of the course and find myself eager to delve straight into the practical areas of my course e.g. working and producing outcomes. I find myself trying to justify the relevance of analysing every aspect of what would work best from my research and development and find they best way to achieve a successful design is to put it into practice as soon as possible.
However a 'hands on approach' is not neccesserily a good thing and from seeing my results i think it has helped me consider than i should maybe begin to put more thought in deveolping my ideas and expanding my research to gain the best knowledge of my subject possible.
It also says alot about how i handle group situations. I would consider myself an itrovert (and possibly quite stubborn) and therefore when in a group i may not fully take on board others proposed ideas. This is another area which i should consider to improve.
We met with our groups today to discuss everybodys results. The majority of the group got "reflectors" and some were a mixture of all four. This parhaps shows a good balance in a persons work ethic and i feel is quite a strong result to get. "Reflectors" also seems quite a possitive result in that it shows good consideration of a brief before trying to obtain a premeture result with little research.